
The Hidden Risks of Construction: 8 Reasons You Need Contractors Insurance

Jun 19, 2024

Business Insurance

Reasons why you need contractors insurance

Upon completing a successful construction project, immense satisfaction comes with it. However, the construction industry is inherently risky. Unexpected events, accidents, and even minor mishaps can lead to significant financial losses. That's where general contractors insurance comes in – a crucial safeguard that protects your business from these hidden risks. Let's continue reading to learn the 8 reasons for not skipping this coverage.

    1. General Contractors Insurance Protects Your Business From Going Bankrupt:

      A single lawsuit or sizeable claim can hamper a small construction business. This insurance provides a financial safety net, covering legal costs and settlements arising from various situations. Without this protection, a single incident could force you to close your doors.

    2. It Also Protects You From Lawsuits:

      Construction sites are bustling environments with numerous potential hazards. Even with the strictest safety measures in place, accidents can happen. General contractors insurance covers your legal liability for bodily injury and property damage to third parties, including workers not employed by your company, visitors to the site, or even passersby affected by construction activities.

    3. It's the Law In Some States:

      Many states mandate this insurance coverage for businesses operating in the construction industry. Obtaining the required coverage ensures you remain compliant with regulations and avoid potential penalties.

    4. Contractors Liability Insurance Protects You From All Third-Party Claims:

      This coverage goes beyond just bodily injury and property damage. It can also cover claims for the following:

      • Personal Injury: This includes claims of emotional distress, slander, or libel arising from your business operations.

      • Advertising Injury: If your marketing materials accidentally infringe on someone else's intellectual property or cause reputational harm, your insurance can help cover legal costs.

    5. It Also Covers Injury and Damage Occurring From Completed Projects:

      Even after a project is finished, unforeseen issues can arise. General contractors insurance, specifically the completed operations coverage, can protect you from claims of faulty workmanship or defective materials that cause damage or injury after project completion.

    6. Advertising Claims:

      Construction projects often involve extensive marketing and advertising efforts. If your marketing materials contain misleading information or accidentally infringe on someone else's intellectual property, general contractors insurance can help cover legal fees associated with such claims.

    7. Having Contractors Insurance Protects Your Reputation and Establishes Trust:

      Contractors insurance demonstrates your commitment to safety and professionalism. Clients are more likely to trust and work with a contractor who possesses proper insurance, knowing they're protected in case of unforeseen events.

    8. An Add-on Can Also Insure Your Equipment:

      Construction equipment is a vital investment for any contractor. Adding inland marine coverage to your general contractors insurance policy can protect your valuable equipment from theft, damage, or loss due to fire, weather events, or vandalism.

Navigate the Complexities of Contractors Insurance with Abatelli Group Inc.

The construction industry thrives on a foundation of safety and responsibility. At Abatelli Group Inc., we can help you navigate the intricacies of contractors insurance and tailor a policy that meets your specific needs and budget. Contact us today to discuss your options and ensure your construction business is well-protected against the hidden risks that come with the territory. Call us at (718) 352-6000 to get started.