
How Much Can NY Defensive Driving Course Save You on Insurance Premiums?

Mar 23, 2022

Car Insurance

How Much Can NY Defensive Driving Course Save You on Insurance Premiums?

New York has a high cost of living compared with most other states, and auto insurance is no exception. Costs are even higher for individuals with bad driving records. Other factors can also boost rates, such as living in a high-crime zip code. However, taking an accredited course in defensive driving can help lower auto insurance rates in New York.

How Does a NY Defensive Driving Course Affect Insurance?

You can save money on insurance costs by enrolling in and completing a New York defensive driving course, but savings depend on certain factors. Savings on insurance can be as much as 10 percent once you pass the course.

The New York State Insurance Commissioner requires by law for all auto insurance companies that operate in the state to offer a 10 percent reduction for New York drivers who pass the specific course. This reduction, which is subtracted from the base rate of existing liability, collision, and no-fault premiums, must remain in effect for three years once it's awarded to the driver.

New York's approved defensive driving course is called the "Point and Insurance Reduction Program (PIRP)." Other names for the class include "NY Defensive Driving Course" and "NY 3-Year Renewal Course." Some people call it the "Accident Prevention Course" as well. Make sure the state DMV approves the course provider.

Program Considerations

The auto insurance rate reduction expires after three years, so if you want to continue enjoying the same rate, you'll need to take and pass the course again. The course is available online 24/7, making it easier to do at your convenience. It's also available in a physical classroom.

If you drive multiple vehicles, the course will apply to each vehicle listed on your policy. However, if you have multiple drivers on the same policy, the discount will only apply to those who take the course. Once you pass the class, you'll be awarded a certificate you can submit to your insurer for a discount. The course also reduces the impact of as much as four points on your license, although the points will remain on your driving record. This information will be reported electronically to the NY DMV.

How Easy Is the Class?

The class is simple. If you enroll in an online course, you can study the material at your own pace. The online course lasts a total of 320 minutes. Experienced drivers will likely have an easier time with it, whereas inexperienced drivers may need to put more time into studying the material. Once you sign up for the course, you have 30 days to complete it.

Whether you take the course or not, it's important to understand the main concepts of defensive driving. A major key is to stay focused on the road while driving. The main causes of accidents are distractions that can be manual, visual, or cognitive.

Take the Course, Save the Premiums

All is not lost if you've racked up marks on your driving record, as a NY defensive driving course can reduce your insurance costs. Contact us at Abatelli Group Inc. for more information on getting the best auto insurance coverage and rates in New York. We will help create the best and most affordable coverage plan for you.